Symposium SACRA700: July 23-25th 2017: Commemoration of the 700th anniversary of the Eucharistic Miracle of Viversel - Hasselt

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Sunday July 23th 2017:

11h: Pontifical High Mass at the Cathedral of St Quentin (Hasselt), presided by Mgr Patrick Hoogmartens, 3th Bishop of Hasselt.

14.30h: Symposium SACRA 700: from Adoration to Evangelisation.  

The Symposium takes place in the Radisson Blue Hotel in Hasselt, Torenplein 8, 3500 Hasselt (Belgium). The symposium is free. Simultaneous translation to English is available.

Cardinal Robert Sarah: I hope that this project may bear fruit and that many will participate. Be assured of my prayers.

Pope-Emeritus Benedictus XVI: I sent you the Blessings of the merciful God for the symposium 'From Adoration to Evangelisation'

Welcome: Mgr P. Hoogmartens, bishop of Hasselt

Robert Lemm: Dutch Hispanist and historian, and author of several books, e.g. 'The jesuits, rise and decline', 'Pope Benedict XVI and the rise of eurabia', and 'Lawrence, herald of the caliphate'.
He will speak of the causes of the crisis in the European Church.

Mgr Dominique Rey: Bishop of Fréjus-Toulon. The diocese of Fréjus-Toulon is one of the most dynamic of France. It has one of the largest priestly seminaries. Mgr Rey is the founder of the Observatoire Sociopolitique, that organises many summer courses, and that helps lay people to give a Catholic witness in society. There is also a large number of new movements an congregations in his diocese: e.g. the Missionary Fraternity of Jean-Paul II, the Missionaries of the Devine Mercy, etc. He organised also the ADORATIO and SACRALITURGIA congresses. He is the author of some books, of which the little booklet entitled 'from adoration to evangelisation'. He will speak on this subject.

Mgr Philip Egan: Bishop of Portsmouth. The diocese of Portsmouth is in the South of the United Kingdom. Starting as bishop of Protsmouth in 2012, Mgr Egan started a relentless effort on evangelisation. One of the major goals is the improvement of the Catholic schools. He wrote an impressive letter on this subject, that should be the base of a total reform of the education in his diocese. That is one of the reasons why the Catholic Herald pronounced him Catholic of the Year 2017. He will speak on the 'Eucharist, summit of the Church and source of Evangelisation'.

Father Prof. Dr Karl Wallner: Rector of the Benedict XVI high school, part of the Stift Heiligenkreuz in Austria. For years he was also involved in the pastoral of the Youth. He organised many conferences; e.g. on Gott & Humor. The seminary linked to the High School, is the largest one in the German-speaking world. The high school has now more than 300 students.
He will speak on 'Europe needs a new spring of evangelisation'.

19h: Corpus Christi procession
For the first time in 40 years, a Corpus Christi procession will make its way through the streats of center Hasselt, from the Cathedral to the Basilica of Mary, Virga Jesse.

20h: Start of the 40 hours devotion:
From July 23th to 25th, a 40hous devotion with Eucharistic adoration will be held in the newly restaurated Basilica of Mary, Virga Jesse. As such the confraternity of the Holy Sacrament revives a tradition within the Prince-Bishopric of Liège. All are welcome to pray with us.

July 23th 2017:
20h:       PP Pope Francis
21h:       for our bishop Mgr Patrick Hoogmartens
22h:       for our diocese Hasselt
23h:       for vocations to the priesthood
24h:       for Saintly priests

July 24th 2017:
1h:         for the new evangelisation in our diocese
2h:         for the protection of human life
3h:         for the conversion of all that live in our diocese
4h:         for the Catholic University
5h:         for the young people in our diocese, that they may discover Christ, as the way, the truth and the life
6h:         for the university students, that their studies may make them discover the beauty of creation and the power of truth.
7h:         for the catechists, that they may find ways to proclaim the full truth of the Gospels

10h:       for the fruits of the coming Feasts of Mary, Virga Jesse in our city, that they may bring many on the path of Christ.
11h:        for the sick, that they may find relieve in Christ
12h:        for those that govern our country, that they may always look for the common good
13h:        for the families
14h:        for many vocations to marriage
15h:        for the dying
16h:        for the unborn life

19h:        for the Christians in the Middle East
20h:        for the governors of the country
21h:        for the governors of our city
22h:        for peace in the Holy Land
23h:        for the Christians in Jeruzalem and Bethlehem
24h:        for the religious communities

July 25th 2017:
1h:          for the Catholic communities
2h:          for the conversion of all that do not believe in God
3h:          that all christians may return to the One Catholic Church
4h:          for all that believe in God, that they may encounter Christ
5h:          that all may go worhtly to communion
6h:          for the revival of the sacrament of confession, on intercession of Blessed Valentinus of Hasselt
7h:           for the Catholic media
8h:           for those who suffer from injustice

the last 3 hours are in the Cathedral, with the Sacrament of Miracle:
14h:         for vocations to the religious life
15h:         for the elder
16h:         for the intentions of our bishop

This projects is part of a larger project 'Miracle and Monstrance' of the city of Hasselt, the City museum Stadsmus, the Provincial Library Hasselt, the former Abbey of Herkenrode, the Miracle Play in Viversel, and others.

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